À la mode’ in the grand designs of prestige houses, a kitchen Scullery is rarely an option for most. Previously known as a Butler’s Pantry, apartment owners can only dream of having this luxury. Until now. Innovative, high-end developer, TOGA, have taken this much-coveted luxury and ingeniously incorporated it into a select few apartments in their new landmark development, Surry Hills Village.

The SHV Scullery will allow fortunate residents to keep their main kitchen in a pristine state, putting messy jobs and dishes to the side until they have time to attend to them. With clutter being the enemy of any beautiful home, this extra space means a stream-lined aesthetic will be far easier to achieve. And the end result of mess-free entertaining of family and friends will have you showcasing your glorious apartment at its best.
But there are more benefits than just improved aesthetics. Having a Scullery means there will be no more issues with not enough cupboard space. These handy home additions give you the extra storage space to organise your kitchen fantastically so there is no more necessity to squirrel items away in the depths of an already overfull cupboard.

The Scullery is an incredibly versatile space, giving you the option to dress it as a bar when entertaining, thus creating a purposeful, organised and attractive space for drink preparation and self-service. Alternatively, the Scullery enables you to take care of all the noisy kitchen jobs such as blending, food processing, grinding coffee, etc, in a dedicated space separate from the living area, which is incredibly convenient when living in an open plan design.
To discover the exclusive Surry Hills Village Scullery apartments, please contact Emma Chappell of Cramer Property for more information or to organise an inspection of this outstanding development.
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