Firstly, think cosy. Look at your stock of blankets and throws and if they just don’t seem up to another stint, then out with the old, in with the new, I say! Check out the gorgeously sumptuous new ranges of snuggly blankies at your local homeware stores and chose your favourite colour. Now is not the time to hold back in the colour department. Winter is dull in itself, so brighten your world. If some of your old blankets are salvageable, then wash them according to instructions with Eucalyptus oil and they will be dust-mite free and literally ready to roll. A word to the allergy-prone, though… avoid wool like the plague as this is one of the rare occasions where synthetic is better, for your breathing anyway.

On a more practical note, (sorry to drag you away from the previous mental picture) check your windows and doorways for draughts. So much of the heat in a home is lost through tiny cracks and crevices. In the case of windows, rolling self-adhesive weather-stripping (felt, vinyl, rubber or silicone) down the side of a window works wonders. Where gaps are around non-moveable places, window and door frames for example, use some gap filler (caulk) and a caulking gun. And for under draughty doorways, you can’t go past a good door snake. Again venture into colourful territory here. Please note, if renting, you’ll need permission to put on the weather stripping and gap filler, so be safe, not sorry, and ask first.
Back to beautification, make sure you have a few indoor plants that will add colour and oxygen. Cyclamens, African violets, polyanthus and orchids are gorgeous things and bloom beautifully throughout winter. If you prefer to stick to green, Madonna lilies love the indoors and bless you with the occasional white flower, then Devil’s ivy, Philodendrum and rubber plant grow fantastically well indoors. Also many herbs will grow on a sunny window sill and can be added to your hearty winter dishes. For walls, search on-line for an uplifting print (try The Print Emporium for heavenly pieces.) All you need now is some great food and wine – non-alcoholic cocktails even better – and you’ll be wishing winter would never end.
Images sourced on Pinterest
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